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Duncan Milne

Regulatory and Local Government

Duncan has extensive experience in regulatory, serious crime, and licensing cases.

Duncan is regularly instructed in cases concerning trading standards and consumer law (particularly rogue trader frauds and counterfeiting offences), food safety, health and safety, product safety, fire safety, animal welfare, planning enforcement, tree preservation, environmental offences, and Local Authority frauds including benefit/reduction frauds, blue badge frauds, social housing, and unlawful sub-letting offences. Duncan also acts in housing cases involving unlicensed HMOs.

Duncan is often instructed to advise at an early stage of an investigation, including advising in relation to asset restraint, investigatory powers, schemes of delegation, and post-conviction financial or behavioural orders. He offers pragmatic advice at each stage of a case and has experience in cases involving multi-disciplinary teams (for example, cases involving eCrime, TRIT, HMRC, or where several Local Authorities have been involved with an investigation).

Duncan has experience in complex multi-handed prosecutions and cases of the utmost gravity, including those involving fatalities or life-changing injuries. Several of his cases have been the subject of main broadcaster documentaries, most recently following the conviction of a rogue trader for defrauding over 40 consumers in relation to resin driveway installations.

Duncan also advises and acts for Local Authorities and the Police in relation to protective or preventative orders, including health and safety improvement or prohibition notices, sexual risk orders, and stalking protection orders. Duncan acts for the Police in cash detention and forfeiture applications, and has wide experience of civil applications in the magistrates’ court. This includes police property applications, abatement notices (noise, smoke, smells, infestations), and dog control orders.

Duncan has wide experience of licensing (premises and taxi licensing in particular). He acts as a Legal Advisor to licensing committees and has experience representing applicants, licence holders or responsible authorities in applications, reviews, and interim steps proceedings. Duncan regularly acts in licensing appeals before the magistrates’ and crown courts.

Duncan provides training to investigators and lawyers. Recent training courses have involved disclosure, investigatory powers, social housing frauds, RIPA, and confiscation under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.

Recent Examples:

R v CR [2025], consumer fraud and professional diligence prosecution relating to overcharged and poorly executed roofing and orangery construction works.

R v SS [2024], fraudulent trading prosecution relating to mis-sold holidays and forgeries.

R v BH [2024], consumer fraud prosecution relating to overcharged landscaping works.

R v N [2024], animal welfare prosecution relating to unnecessary suffering, cattle records, and herd movements.

R v AC [2024], fire safety prosecution relating to re-development of a commercial office block.

R v ON [2024], multi-handed money laundering network prosecution relating to doorstep frauds across Surrey, Essex, and Buckinghamshire.

R v OS [2024], food safety prosecution relating to the diversion of animal by-products into the human food chain.

P v JVO [2024], fly-tipping prosecution relating to building and commercial waste deposited around Portsmouth.

R v M [2024], health and safety prosecution relating to chemical burns of part-time employee.

R v RP [2024], social housing fraud relating to unlawful sub-letting and right to buy applications.

R v TFTL Ltd [2024], planning prosecution relating to the use of land and excessive wedding events in contravention of a breach of condition notice.

R v GTC Ltd [2024], counterfeiting prosecution relating to counterfeit branded electronics.

R v DL [2024], product safety prosecution relating to unsafe vehicles.
N v TL [2024], taxi licensing appeal following stalking conviction.

R v GL [2024], consumer fraud prosecution relating to unsafe gas works.

R v SSGCL [2023], health and safety prosecution relating to collapsed masonry and child fatality.

R v MGL [2023], planning prosecution relating to extensive commercial development on the Isle of Wight in contravention of an enforcement notice.

R v SR [2023], fraudulent trading prosecution relating to resin driveways.

R v H [2023], fraudulent trading prosecution relating to overcharged and sub-standard building work.

HSE v EC Ltd [2023], health and safety prosecution relating to a tractor roll and crush injuries.

R v FF Ltd [2023], counterfeiting prosecution relating to illicit and counterfeit tobacco.

R v MK [2023], TPO prosecution relating to extensive woodland clearance for developmental gain.

R v A [2022], fraud and forgery prosecution relating to falsified vehicle service books and associated confiscation proceedings.

R v MA [2022], counterfeiting and illicit tobacco prosecution.

R v PS [2022], consumer offending prosecution relating to puppy farming.

E v LS [2022], animal licensing appeal relating to dog breeder licensing and falsification of veterinary records.

R v PF [2022], consumer offending and forgery prosecution relating to sub-standard building work and forged NICEIC certification.

G v M [2022], taxi licence appeal relating to revocation for poor driving standards.

R v CM [2022], theft by council employee prosecution relating to thefts from car park ticket machines.


Duncan acts in general criminal matters as a led junior and junior alone. He has extensive experience in county lines drugs cases [including Op Venetic prosecutions], modern slavery cases, and complex frauds. He has considerable experience in document-heavy cases and can organise and present complex evidence clearly.

Duncan also acts as disclosure counsel. He has extensive experience in disclosure, including digital disclosure strategies and investigation management.

Duncan’s regulatory experience is often beneficial when acting in general criminal matters. For example, he recently advised in relation to the status of hemp importations post-Brexit and the status of R v Margiotta and Others [2023] EWCA Crim 759.

Recent examples:

R v PG and JG [2024], drug supply, mortgage fraud and money laundering prosecution involving twin brothers.

R v PY and Others [2023], multi-handed sex trafficking conspiracy prosecution, including extradition.

R v B and Others [2022], EncroChat prosecution relating to a multi-million-pound drugs conspiracy and related confiscation proceedings.